Tuesday, April 12, 2011

AGC 147 April 12th 2011 (Humor in Roleplaying Games) (52:35)

With Mags and Carol, Mark was otherwise occupied and so the inmates are running the asylum this episode. Mags and Carol attempt their own April Fool's joke, though still gaming related. DriveThruRPG Picks. Humor in Gaming...if not in that opening! Why and how do we use it, and when is it appropriate? That dramatic epic session remniscent of "Lord of the Rings" may head for a careening crash if the players are punchy or silly and are feeling more "Family Guy Star Wars Trilogy". Examples from past experience and the antics of the RPG Buffet abound. Also, a discussion of games where comedy is the point of it all. ConGlomeration is coming up in a couple of weeks and GMs and Volunteers are welcome! (Those Mags-The-Axe Con Game episodes are 99, 102 & 103) Plus the ConGlom shirt reveal and some previews for Programming!

Correction: Carol talks about Avalon Press releasing "Tales From The Floating Vagabond", the PDF on DriveThruRPG is through Reality Cheque.

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Show links
Monsters and Other Childish Things (Arc Dream Publishing)
Monsters and Other Childish Things on DriveThruRPG (Affiliate Link)

AGC's DriveThruRPG Picks for this episode!
Mark: GODSEND Agenda: ExtraordinAgents (Khepera Publishing)
Carol: Tales From The Floating Vagabond (Reality Cheque)
Mags: Murphy's World (Peregrine)

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