With Mark Kinney, Carol, and Mags. A word about what we're doing with this new DriveThruRPG affiliation and participation in their Podcast/Blog program. Carol talked to Eddy Webb, Ethan Skemp and Richard Thomas about White Wolf. The White Wolf release schedule is out through July of 2011. Serialized novels and expansion into even more electronic formats are forthcoming. Just what does their new business model mean for what is and can be published? What is the Grand Masquerade all about? Oh, and a little info about this little computer project... Then, Carol and Mark talk to Sean Patrick Fannon and Carinn Seabolt about DriveThruRPG, the Haiti bundle, writing, Shaintar news, Con on the Cob, electronic books, internet play, GenCon highlights, unofficial observations, and retrogaming.
Use the code DTRPGAugust2010BlogPCast at DriveThruRPG for a 20% discount on pdfs from the following publishers until September 10th:
A Terrible Idea
Aethereal Forge
Bailey Records
Crucifiction Games
Dream Pod 9
Fantasy Games Unlimited
Final Redoubt Press
Gold Rush Games
Goodman Games
Highmoon Games
Morbid Games
OtherWorld Creations
Palladium Books
Rogue Games
RPG Objects
Savage Mojo
Tricky Owlbear
Vigilance Press
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Show links
White Wolf Game Studio
Savage Mojo (was Talisman Studios)
Reality Blurs
d-Infinity on Facebook
The Plitone Revisionist (Podiobooks)
Paul S. Jenkins (The Plitone Revisionist)
Solid Symbols
Monday, August 30, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
AGC Feedback August 27th 2010 (16:23)
Recorded August 24th, 2010, with Mark, carol, and Mags. Mental images, lack of pics, and Mage. Technolich. "That's Not Canon!" More Gamma World coverage? Save or Die! A gift from the Computer King! Villains and hawtness. Gamer obsession. Hog calling, cheese rolling and... something. A little bit at the end.
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Show links
Gamer's Haven Podcast
Roll For Initiative Podcast
Save or Die! Podcast
Into The Dark
DriveThruRPG (Affiliate Link)
Wormwood: Revelation
Download 64kbps mp3 (7.52 MB)
Show links
Gamer's Haven Podcast
Roll For Initiative Podcast
Save or Die! Podcast
Into The Dark
DriveThruRPG (Affiliate Link)
Wormwood: Revelation
Thursday, August 26, 2010
AGC News August 26th 2010 (22:11)
With Mark, Carol, and Mags. Watch for lots of stuff coming down the feed! GenCon Indy crests 30,000! 2010 Deutscher Lernspielpreis winners! Atlantis wins Spiel der Spiele 2010! TSR1 Insidious, playing dangerous games with trademark law! Gamers for Humanity membership drive! News on Fantasy Flight's Arkham Horror minis! Yog Radio posts Continuum seminars (with an aside about boxed sets)! Gamer's Haven gives us the Hamlet's Hit Points panel from GenCon! The return of ConGlomeration, in nifty new digs!
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Show links
Creationary (Lego)
Wer War (Ravensburger)
Schollenhupfen (Oberschwäbische Magnetspiele/BoardGameGeek Link)
Donnerwetter (BoardGameGeek)
Atlantis (Mayfair Games)
Well, I Wonder How This Will Go Over - TSR1 Insidious (Underdark Gazette)
Gamers For Humanity Membership Drive
Familiar Faces Are Coming to Arkham (Fantasy Flight Games)
Arkham Horror Minis (Fantasy Flight Games)
Yog Radio
Gamer's Haven Special Edition (Hamlet's Hit Points)
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Show links
Creationary (Lego)
Wer War (Ravensburger)
Schollenhupfen (Oberschwäbische Magnetspiele/BoardGameGeek Link)
Donnerwetter (BoardGameGeek)
Atlantis (Mayfair Games)
Well, I Wonder How This Will Go Over - TSR1 Insidious (Underdark Gazette)
Gamers For Humanity Membership Drive
Familiar Faces Are Coming to Arkham (Fantasy Flight Games)
Arkham Horror Minis (Fantasy Flight Games)
Yog Radio
Gamer's Haven Special Edition (Hamlet's Hit Points)
Monday, August 23, 2010
AGC Interview 5 (A Mags' Eye View of GenCon 2010) (28:25)
Mark introduces a raft of interviews Mags did at GenCon. In order: Elizabeth Shoemaker-Sampat (Blowback), David Hill (Maschine Zeit) and Filamena Young (An Open Letter to the Gaming Industry), Chris Engle (Hamster Press), Graham Walmsley (Play Unsafe), and Thomas Grable (Gaming Paper).
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Show links
Blowback (Two Scooters Press)
Maschine Zeit (Machine Age Productions)
A Letter to the Game Industry
Hamster Press
Play Unsafe (The Un-store)
Gaming Paper
DriveThruRPG (Affiliate Link)
The Game Master Show
Download 64kbps mp3 (13.0 MB)
Show links
Blowback (Two Scooters Press)
Maschine Zeit (Machine Age Productions)
A Letter to the Game Industry
Hamster Press
Play Unsafe (The Un-store)
Gaming Paper
DriveThruRPG (Affiliate Link)
The Game Master Show
Friday, August 20, 2010
AGC Interview 4 (Words from GenCon 2010) (22:33)

Mark and Mags bring you interviews from GenCon 2010. Mark talks to Ivan Van Norman with Outbreak: Undead. Mags talks to Kim Tollson of Queen Games. Mark talks to Luke Meyer about the upcoming Iron Tyrants. Mags talks Noel Meyer, artist and owner of the Steampunk wheelchair that Felicia Day tweeted about.
Download 64kbps mp3 (10.3 MB)
Show links
Outbreak: Undead
Queen Games
Iron Tyrants
The Podge Cast
Noel Meyer
Swing And A Miss
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
AGC 136 August 17th 2010 (GenCon Hangover Special) (1:22:31)
With Mark Kinney, Carol, Mags, and Steve. Thanks to our listeners for the Silver ENnie (and congrats again to Atomic Array)! Yeah, it's another GenCon retrospective, starting with a True Dungeon proposal. Playing Hellas, and Savage Saturday Night! Meetups, and how to say Tzimisce. A women in gaming panel Carol sat on. A serious situaion. Back from break, and going to tweets of questions and such, a discussion of headgear sparked by Mick Bradley. A look ahead at upcoming interviews. What we brought back, and a little commentary along the way. Stuff we saw. WizKids' upcoming Star Trek games. "That's not canon!" The meet-and-greet. Virtual Tabletops. Other shout outs. A few of our favorite things. The White Wolf booth. We suppose Mark can talk about this book he has coming out... What did we miss? And thanks to Sarah Robinson, without whom none of this would be possible...
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Show links
Atomic Array
Wil Wheaton and True Dungeon Engagement stories (Trudger's Treatises)
Wil Wheaton At Gencon On Why He Is A Geek-Part 1 (YouTube)
The Bones (Gameplaywright)
Hellas (Khepera Publishing)
Pinnacle Entertainment Group (Savage Worlds)
RPG Circus
Roll For Initiative
Geek's Dream Girl
Apocalypse World (Lumpley Games)
Blowback (Two Scooters Press)
Maschine Zeit (Machine Age Productions)
Fat Dragon Games (Ultimate GM's Screen II)
Zombie Dice (Steve Jackson Games)
Ape Games (Duck Duck Safari, Duck Duck Go)
DC Adventures (Green Ronin)
Element (MindtwisterUSA)
Asmodee Editions (Dixit, Identik, Claustrophobia)
Hamster Press (Guilty Moneybags)
Tri Tac Games (Fringeworthy)
Play Unsafe (Lulu)
Mecha (Heroic Journey Publishing)
Lacuna Part I (Memento Mori Publishing)
Flying Buffalo (Tunnels and Trolls, Monsters! Monsters!)
Skulduggery (Pelgrane Press)
Triple Ace Games (All For One: Regime Diabloique)
Margaret Weis Productions (Smallville)
Arc Dream Publishing (Wild Talents, Monsters and Other Childing Things)
Hamlet's Hit Points (Gameplaywright)
RPGGirl Zine
Gamers Haven Podcast
Troll in the Corner
Brilliant Gameologists
Geek Chic
The Great Luke Ski
Scrying Eye Games
Gaming Paper
Damsels of Dorkington
Gamer Chick
Rogue Games
Fistful of Comics (And Games)
The Podge Cast
Iron Tyrants
The ExtraOrdinagents! for Godsend Agenda (Khepera Publishing/Cubicle 7 Store)
Paizo Publishing
V and A Shipping (Podiobooks)
V and A Shipping
Amorphous Blobcast
DriveThruRPG Affiliate Links
Hellas: Worlds of Sun and Stone
Maschine Zeit
DC Adventures Hero's Handbook
Wild Talents
Wild Talents Essential Edition
Monsters and Other Childish Things
Monsters and Other Childish Things Pocket Edition
Download 64kbps mp3 (37.7 MB)
Show links
Atomic Array
Wil Wheaton and True Dungeon Engagement stories (Trudger's Treatises)
Wil Wheaton At Gencon On Why He Is A Geek-Part 1 (YouTube)
The Bones (Gameplaywright)
Hellas (Khepera Publishing)
Pinnacle Entertainment Group (Savage Worlds)
RPG Circus
Roll For Initiative
Geek's Dream Girl
Apocalypse World (Lumpley Games)
Blowback (Two Scooters Press)
Maschine Zeit (Machine Age Productions)
Fat Dragon Games (Ultimate GM's Screen II)
Zombie Dice (Steve Jackson Games)
Ape Games (Duck Duck Safari, Duck Duck Go)
DC Adventures (Green Ronin)
Element (MindtwisterUSA)
Asmodee Editions (Dixit, Identik, Claustrophobia)
Hamster Press (Guilty Moneybags)
Tri Tac Games (Fringeworthy)
Play Unsafe (Lulu)
Mecha (Heroic Journey Publishing)
Lacuna Part I (Memento Mori Publishing)
Flying Buffalo (Tunnels and Trolls, Monsters! Monsters!)
Skulduggery (Pelgrane Press)
Triple Ace Games (All For One: Regime Diabloique)
Margaret Weis Productions (Smallville)
Arc Dream Publishing (Wild Talents, Monsters and Other Childing Things)
Hamlet's Hit Points (Gameplaywright)
RPGGirl Zine
Gamers Haven Podcast
Troll in the Corner
Brilliant Gameologists
Geek Chic
The Great Luke Ski
Scrying Eye Games
Gaming Paper
Damsels of Dorkington
Gamer Chick
Rogue Games
Fistful of Comics (And Games)
The Podge Cast
Iron Tyrants
The ExtraOrdinagents! for Godsend Agenda (Khepera Publishing/Cubicle 7 Store)
Paizo Publishing
V and A Shipping (Podiobooks)
V and A Shipping
Amorphous Blobcast
DriveThruRPG Affiliate Links
Hellas: Worlds of Sun and Stone
Maschine Zeit
DC Adventures Hero's Handbook
Wild Talents
Wild Talents Essential Edition
Monsters and Other Childish Things
Monsters and Other Childish Things Pocket Edition
Friday, August 13, 2010
AGC Feedback August 14th 2010 (18:48)
Recorded August 10th, 2010, with Mark, carol, Mags, and Steve. A concern over differentiating commentators' opinions with the show opinion (in regards to Random Thoughts On Gaming and the Outlaw Press situation), and comments on the segment. Discussion of intellectual property issues. Aluminium! A miniatures podcast recommendation! Obsidian Portal. Parsec! The ENnies derail us toward the end.
Download 64kbps mp3 (8.63 MB)
Show links
Creative Commons
The Adventure of English (Amazon.com)
Meeples and Miniatures Podcast
Obsidian Portal
Parsec (Jolly Roger Games (RPGNow)
Escape (Doug's Blog)
The Tome
Download 64kbps mp3 (8.63 MB)
Show links
Creative Commons
The Adventure of English (Amazon.com)
Meeples and Miniatures Podcast
Obsidian Portal
Parsec (Jolly Roger Games (RPGNow)
Escape (Doug's Blog)
The Tome
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
AGC News August 12th 2010 (26:40)
With Mark, Carol, Mags, and Steve. Board Game Geek wins the Diana Jones Award! ENnie results, and the side bet with the Gamer's Haven! Maria wins Portuguese Game of the Year! Bits and Mortar -- PDF support for brick and mortar stores! The 2010 Mind Sports Olympiad. Super Genius taking over Dungeon-a-Day! More Red Dragon Inn. Heavy Gear back to Dream Pod 9! Blood Bowl: Team Manager, and Lord of the Rings! Zombie Dice on the iPhone (and why the delay for Android). Dicebook -- an iPad PDF reader with a dice roller! What we did and didn't observe or otherwise find out at GenCon! Mags speculates on the abortive Mongoose announcement. Money raised for the Gygax Memorial Fund and the Pajama Program!
Download 64kbps mp3 (12.2 MB)
Show links
Board Game Geek
Diana Jones Awards
ENnie Awards
2010 ENnie Winners
Atomic Array
Maria (Histogame)
Mind Sports Olympiad
Super Genius Games
Red Dragon Inn (Slugfest Games)
Dream Pod 9 (Heavy Gear)
Blood Bowl: Team Manager (Fantasy Flight Games)
Lord of the Rings: The Card Game (Fantasy Flight Games)
Zombie Dice for iPhone (Steve Jackson Games)
Daily Illuminator: Apps For Android (Steve Jackson Games)
DiceBook (iPad App)
Bruce Baugh's Livejournal DiceBook Review
DiceBook thread (RPG.net)
Paizo Publishing
DC Adventures (Green Ronin)
Fiasco (Bully Pulpit Games)
The Grand Masquerade
Gen Con Indy Facebook Page
Gary Gygax Memorial Fund
Pajama Program
True Dungeon
Download 64kbps mp3 (12.2 MB)
Show links
Board Game Geek
Diana Jones Awards
ENnie Awards
2010 ENnie Winners
Atomic Array
Maria (Histogame)
Mind Sports Olympiad
Super Genius Games
Red Dragon Inn (Slugfest Games)
Dream Pod 9 (Heavy Gear)
Blood Bowl: Team Manager (Fantasy Flight Games)
Lord of the Rings: The Card Game (Fantasy Flight Games)
Zombie Dice for iPhone (Steve Jackson Games)
Daily Illuminator: Apps For Android (Steve Jackson Games)
DiceBook (iPad App)
Bruce Baugh's Livejournal DiceBook Review
DiceBook thread (RPG.net)
Paizo Publishing
DC Adventures (Green Ronin)
Fiasco (Bully Pulpit Games)
The Grand Masquerade
Gen Con Indy Facebook Page
Gary Gygax Memorial Fund
Pajama Program
True Dungeon
Monday, August 02, 2010
AGC 135 August 3rd 2010 (History of Surviving GenCon) (58:47)

With Mark Kinney, Carol, and Mags. Welcoming Carol back. GenCon plans. Robert Dean's missives on historical miniatures gaming. His bona fides, and an overview of historical miniatures. HistoriCon report. Pookie makes his AGC debut with a review of Who Would Win! Surviving GenCon! Tips, tricks, and resources! Photos by Robert Dean.
Download 64kbps mp3 (26.9 MB)
Show links
Plastic Soldier Review
Indroduction to Battle Gaming (Board Game Geek)
Cold Wars
Big Battles For Little Hands (Amazon.com)
The Pragmatic Defense of St Stephen (Sharp End of the Brush)
CW2010 1st Battle of St Stephen (Battle Game of the Month)
Charge! Or How To Play War Games (Board Game Geek)
Raid on St Michel (Cavalier Books)
Prince August
Little Wars (Gutenberg.org)
Skirmisher Publishing (Little Orc Wars)
A Timeline Of The Historical Miniatures Wargaming Hobby
Donald Featherston's War Games (Amazon.com)
Historical Miniatures Gaming Society
Commands and Colors: Ancients (GMT Games)
Battleground: Punic Wars (Your Move Games)
Osprey Publishing
Perry Miniatures
Wargames Factory
Warlord Games
The Miniatures Page
Flames of War
Red Actions (The Perfect Captain)
All The Kings Men Toy Soldiers (Ken Cliffe's Company)
Who Would Win (Gorilla Games)
GenCon Community
Keeper of Ancient GenCon Lore (via Wayback Machine)
This Just In... From GenCon!
Wandering Geek Podcast
The Colony
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